Secured & Managed IT Services
For Every Business

“TorchLight has been more than a vendor to our multi-branch Credit Union, they are more like our partner. Our relationship with TorchLight dates back to 2007 when we were one of their very first clients who worked with them on a security assessment and gap analysis. TorchLight has worked with us ever since to help us achieve success for its employees and members through technology. They continue to strategically align with us to provide a full suite of services and have continued to delivery for almost 20 years.”

– Annettee, CEO

  • New NIST Guidelines Offer Starting Point for Cybersecurity

    New NIST Guidelines Offer Starting Point for Cybersecurity

    Important highlights about the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) update of its guidance to organizations for assessing their internal security IT system.

  • Customer Testimonial: WETA

    Customer Testimonial: WETA

    The proactive nature of the WETA’s leadership, spearheaded by Ken Jones (Senior Director, IT), drove WETA to form a partnership with TorchLight to ensure appropriate support for an infosec foundation as effective—and agile—as the ever-evolving threats and risks it faces.

  • Statement on Russia Cyberattacks

    Statement on Russia Cyberattacks

    While we are aware of no specific or credible Russian cyber threats to the United States at this time, CISA recommends that organizations continue to be prepared to respond to any disruptive cyber activity.

  • Why Zero Trust is Essential for Remote Work

    Why Zero Trust is Essential for Remote Work

    The rise of Zero Trust has helped businesses remain secure – even in remote working environments. Here are a few things that you should know about zero trust for your business and why it is essential for remaining cyber secure in both hybrid and remote workspaces.

  • Financial Institutions and Ransomware

    Financial Institutions and Ransomware

    Get ahead of attackers and protect valuable assets from impending ransomware attacks. Here are a few things that financial institutions should know about ransomware – its current trends, targets, and tactics.

  • Enterprise Business and Ransomware

    Enterprise Business and Ransomware

    The manufacturing industry has embraced automation and digitization as timelines have gotten tighter and business continuity has become essential. These aspects, along with the high-value data that manufacturing enterprises own (intellectual property, trade secrets, etc.) have made these types of companies more attractive cyber attack targets. Keep your supply chain running smoothly by protecting against ransomware and other cyber threats.